
Quality Management System

Sade Ofset, by placing customer satisfaction in the center of the quality system, commits itself to run all quality activities in a customer-focused manner.

Color Management System
Food Safety Management System
Environmental Management System
Safety Management System

We are continuing and standardizing our services by aiming for sustainable business models and processes and by creating an integrated management system with all parties involved. To enable continuous growth and to share our development, we are often audited by our customers and by independent auditing firms.

Silver Recognition Level in Corporate Social Responsibility

Our company was checked by the international rating firm Ecovadis in terms of environmentalism, workers’ health, work ethics, and sustainability and was awarded the “Silver Recognition Level.” We have also been audited by Sedex in terms of workers’ satisfaction, environmentalism, workers’ health, and the work place. It has been documented that we are in compliance with international standards.

Quality Management System

Sade Ofset, by placing customer satisfaction at the center of the quality system, commits itself to running all quality activities in a customer-focused manner. To abide by the customers’ conditions during their first request, on time, and each time is a primary aim for us. Apart from ensuring the effectiveness and continuity of the quality management system that we have installed for this purpose, we are working for its continuous improvement.

We are audited at specific intervals by our customers and independent audit firms to achieve continuous progress and share information on our growth.

Environmental Management System

As a company dedicated to leaving behind a livable world for future generations, it is our primary mission to minimize our negative effects on the environment. In our Environmental Management System, built for the above purpose, environmental aspects are evaluated in all our processes and activities, and environmental impacts are kept under control at all stages. The protection and sustainability of the environment are our priorities in all our activities.

Eco-friendly materials and technologies are used, waste materials are collected separately at the source, and then appropriate recycling or disposal is made. Training is held for the constant development of environmental consciousness and awareness among both our staff and our stakeholders.

Occupational health and safety Management System 

In our entire company, an occupational health and safety management system has been established to protect the health of our employees and provide a safe work environment. Throughout our operations, we follow up on the changes and improvements within the framework of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, the national legislation, and the law.

Occupational health and safety requirements are reviewed and evaluated periodically. It is our priority that our employees work in a healthy and safe environment. We analyze and evaluate potential health and safety risks and take the necessary precautions. In all our production lines, the machinery and equipment used are in accordance with CE. During periodic maintenance procedures, we check that the safety equipment of all our machines is fully functioning.

We run health inspections on our employees during recruitment and then annually. Annual eye examinations are done to protect the eye health of the staff that drive or use screens and to inform the public.

Annual carrier inspections are carried out for the production and kitchen staff. Pulmonary function tests (PFT), hearing tests, blood tests, and chest X-rays are done for all employees, and the results are followed up. In addition, each year, training is given on ergonomics, hygiene, protective wear, emergency situations, and emergency drills, which we believe make a major contribution to the health and job security of our staff. Emergency teams have been formed; team members have successfully completed first aid and fire training and are certified.

Food Safety Management System

We have a business registration certificate from the Istanbul Directorate of Provincial Food, Agriculture, and Livestock; we have achieved hygiene in all processes; and our products are made and delivered hygienically. We are working on acquiring the BRC/IOP Standard Certificate for packaging and packaging materials.

Color Management System

CMYK The Process Standard Offset (PSO) was developed by Fogra in cooperation with the German Printing and Media Industries Federation. It is the description of an industrially oriented and standardized procedure for the creation of printed products. The PSO is in conformance with the international standardization series ISO 12647 and is therefore internationally recognized.

By using PSO, the quality of the production of a complete print product can be guaranteed, from data creation to the finished printing product. The PSO describes adequate testing devices and control methods by which the production process can be supervised, guided, and proven. This includes measuring devices with spectral and densitometric settings, as well as suitable testing elements (for example, test stripes). Furthermore, the PSO sets nominal values and tolerances for print production that, relating to modern production materials, represent what is sensible and feasible.

The goal is to ensure that the production process is as efficient as possible and, at the same time, that interim and final results show a predictable quality of color. In the printing industry, very rarely is data printed where it was created. Customers often hand jobs to different print and media specialists. Printing plants collaborate in order to concentrate themselves on their core competencies. This trend will continue and will extend across borders as well. The PSO and ISO 12647 are in constant development in order to benefit the user.

Quality becomes measurable, verifiable, and reproducible!

FSC ®(Forest Stewardship Council) is an international, non-governmental organisation that promotes responsible management of the world’s forests. Its CoC certification allows wood fibres to be traced at every step through the supply chain; providing assurance that any products bearing the FSC® logo support forest management that adopts environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management practices. Around the world we are supporting initiatives that increase understanding of sustainable forestry and encourage consumers to make responsible choices.