Sade Ofset Ltd., by placing customer satisfaction in the center of the quality system, commits itself to run all quality activities in a customer-focused manner.
We are continuing and standardizing our services by aiming for sustainable business models and processes and by creating an integrated management system with all parties involved. To enable continuous growth and to share our development, we are often audited by our customers and by independent auditing firms.
CMYK The Process Standard Offset (PSO) was developed by Fogra in cooperation with the German Printing and Media Industries Federation. It is the description of an industrially oriented and standardized procedure for the creation of printed products. The PSO is in conformance with the international standardization series ISO 12647 and is therefore internationally recognized.
By using PSO, the quality of the production of a complete print product can be guaranteed, from data creation to the finished printing product. The PSO describes adequate testing devices and control methods by which the production process can be supervised, guided, and proven. This includes measuring devices with spectral and densitometric settings, as well as suitable testing elements (for example, test stripes). Furthermore, the PSO sets nominal values and tolerances for print production that, relating to modern production materials, represent what is sensible and feasible.
The goal is to ensure that the production process is as efficient as possible and, at the same time, that interim and final results show a predictable quality of color. In the printing industry, very rarely is data printed where it was created. Customers often hand jobs to different print and media specialists. Printing plants collaborate in order to concentrate themselves on their core competencies. This trend will continue and will extend across borders as well. The PSO and ISO 12647 are in constant development in order to benefit the user.
Quality becomes measurable, verifiable, and reproducible!